Monday 9 August 2010

Weigh Day 10: Less or more sameness

Well here is the belated "Weigh Day" post. Last week had been hectic with me being stuck at work later every day, including friday. At least we didn't have to come in on the weekend and I could rather spend it out shopping with an Italian, trying authentic Italian dishes and then trying new food at home while relaxing. That pretty much sums up my week and weekend.

I  have however still managed, with the help of Katrina, to stick to the food plan. Sadly, the gym and the football pitch haven't seen me in over a week. I blame this for the lack of weight loss. Luckily I have managed to keep my current weight.

I am thinking this week will be me much of the same, I hope not, but it would seem it could be. But as mentioned in the "Weekly Plan" section, I will post more things on Saturday.

Should I still have some loyal followers, thanks guys!

P.s. Btw, Surath, a colleague, posted this real good article in a post last week, which I think deserves another mention here:


  1. Loyal till the day I die!!!! Keep going!!! Proud of you!!!! Checking your blog regularly.

  2. PS: Here is a bit of motivation: The more you loose, the better your Christmas Dinner will be!!! :)

  3. keep it up mate, awesome work, proud of ya!
