Sunday 18 July 2010

The new weekly plan

Katrina and myself have decided to do a weekly food plan. There are many reasons for doing one, especially when trying to lose weight. If you plan your week in advance, it makes sure you only, or should I say mainly, eat healthy and the amounts you planned for. It also can save you money, as you know the exact quantities that you need and wont just buy on a whim.

The latter however is not always the case. It really depends on what the goal of you weekly plan is and in our case it was to eat healthy and lose weight.

The approach we took is to work on our goal and hence plan the week around healthy and 'light' meals. We split the day into 5 meal times. This is to constantly keep the body supplied with what it needs in small amounts. Not only is this good for your body, but also gets you used to eating smaller portions and to make things better we used it to combat the 5 a day issue!*

The 5 mealtimes are:

  1. Breakfast 
  2. 11sies
  3. Lunch
  4. 16sies
  5. Dinner/Supper/Tea

The names are so you can easily see when you need to eat. I will briefly discuss all sections:

Breakfast: We basically are just having our cereal, I have chosen Cornflakes and Katrina goes for Weetabix. The only day this is different is Sunday, where we allowed ourselves a cooked beakfast.
11sies: A Yoghurt and a fruit of our choice. Yoghurt is extremely good for your body, especially if you have problems with your gut and/or bowel movements.
Lunch: This is either 1 sandwich or leftovers from the night before. The sandwich is made with ham and cheese with possible tomatoes, salad etc.
16sies:A fruit of our choosing. We picked Banana
Dinner: This is obviously where the issue lies as we found that our dinners are mostly rushed, due to the schedule we have. Another problem was the type of food we eat. We never eat fish or seafood and we hardly ever eat dishes without some form of meat or at least vegetable heavy. So I looked up what the guidelines are and came up with this:

  • Fish, 2 times a week
  • Vegetable heavy, 2 times a week
  • Chicken/poultry, 2 times a week
  • Red meat, 1 week

The red meat and chicken can be interchangeable, it is the fish and the vegetable ones that are important.

Now that is a rough guideline we are wanting to keep ourselves too. To see our plan, look in the "Weekly Plan" section, where we will be posting our plan weekly, or just click here!

I know making a plan takes time and effort, but that is what we need to do if we want to change our lives. So if you want to do just than, you need to realise it takes effort. Once you do and are ok with that, it just gets easier and even is quite fun!

If you want help with your plan or pointers, send me a message or put it into the comments section. I know not that many people read this blog yet, but who knows, some of you might actually want my help!

Have a fab week!

*If you don't know what the 5 a day issue is, where have you been? Pretty much it is recommended you get 5 portions of fruit or veg a day. A portion is a large apple or banana or a handful of veg. Some products claim to be one of your 5 a day due to the vitamins and such in them.


  1. Hey, that weekly plan sounds delicious. Are you sure one can loose weight on this? Sounds to good to be true. mmmmmh, lecker schmecker :)

  2. So is Katrina still going to make me cup cakes?
