Wednesday 30 June 2010

5 Tips that have helped me to lose weight so far

Right, I know I haven't lost a massive amount yet, nor am I anywhere near my target, but I have noticed some things that have helped me so far and thought it might be worth mentioning, especially as I do want to help other people, not just myself!

Tip 1: Eat Consciously
I saw some bloke on TV many months back, who said he could think you thin. In other words, he would drill it into you. He had 3 or 4 rules, I can't really remember, but the one that I thought was the most obvious one and falls in common sense was that you should eat consciously. In other words, eat until you are no longer hungry and not till you are full. This might seem easy, but it is actually really hard. I struggle with this the most and often have to catch myself trying to have second helpings and then have to think: "I actually don't need this". To stop at that point is very difficult, but just doing that, I have noticed I eat way less.

Tip 2: Know what you are eating
Calories and Fats, our friends and enemies. We need both, just not too much of either of them. A few weeks back I wrote a post about this app I downloaded on my iPhone to help me keep track of what I eat and the calories I consume and burn. Well it worked for a week. I am just not organized and disciplined enough to do this. If you have doubts whether you can do it, try it at least for a week. The very least it will do, is make you aware of how many calories and fats are in what type of food. Again, this might seem obvious, but in actual fact is anything but.
For example, a bowl of Crunchy Nut clusters or Kelloggs Frosties has about the same calories as a Big Mac, which is part of proper meal. Same goes for Cerial bars. Mike mentioned to me that the light, healthy bars, like the Special K bar (, are higher in calories than say the Coco bars (
Fair enough only slightly, but they are the ones you should eat if you want to lose weight?
The point is, look at the labels, see what is good for you and buy and eat wise. Don't count and weigh if you don't want to, just keep an eye out. If there is something with less Cals and Fats, try getting that. Worst case you don't like it and can buy your preferred product next time.

Tip 3: Don't replace your favourites
Right, this is a tough one. In the past I have tried a few things to lose weight including some diets. My personal problem with them is that they always say things like: "Avoid Cheese! It is really bad!" and "Red meats are evil!" etc etc. The thing is that this is absolutely not true. Meat is high in protein and cheese is high in calcium and has cultures we need, just to mention a few things. Now, the reality is, that these are the most fatty and calorie rich products you can get (bar nuts, they are quite hight as well, but the average person eats less of these). The thing is, that I refuse to totally cut these out. I simply cut them down. I see cheese more of a treat and add less than I did before as I am not stupid and know it is not the healthiest. Its a difficult balance to keep, but if you do, can keep you happy and let you shed the pounds. So don't stop eating what you like, jsut less and as a reward. And then try not to pig out like I have. :)

Tip 4: Give fruit a chance
Ok, this I know for a fact, is most fat peoples biggest problem. Even thought they say things like "I will eat fruit, but am not a big fan of vegetables..." they lie. Fruit is definetally the least "enjoyed" and/or consumed between the 2. Why? Because vegetables are cooked and you can add salt (That last part is just my personal theory). Again, the problem is that people will eat Fruits instead of a meal. Lunches especially and this is bad! Yes, especially when you start. Your body is also set in a routine and if you suddenly substitute something with something completely different, you are bound to get reactions. I learned this the hard way. I decided to replace lunch with just fruit and well that did not last long. I was starving and oh boy my bowels. Not just did I feel hungry afterwards, but I soon liked the taste and idea of fruit. What I have done this time, is eat fruit with my meals. So have a peach instead of that second sandwich at lunch. Have and apple mid afternoon. So rather than replace anything, I added it in.
Also, try some 'exotic' fruits as most people will eat apples and bananas as these are in season all year round, but seasonal fruit should not be forgotten. Here are some ideas on fruit that I found actually taste quite all right: Appricots, Peaches, Grapes, Pineapple (Chop it up at home the night before), Mango (again prep before hand. It really takes 5 minutes)
Now this might have not helped with the weightloss directly, but surely it has made me healthier!

Tip 5: Publicly humiliate yourself
Now this sounds harsh, but the biggest motivation for all of this is the fact that I have publicly admitted my weight and tell everyone what I consume on a daily basis. This is hard, especially being honest, as at the end of the day you feel like you are being judged and you are openly admitting to your problem. Now, this is something not everyone is comfortable with, but the amount of times, I was about to have McDonald's or a glass of coke or any unhealthy fatty meal and have subsequently thought to myself: "Oh I can't put this on my blog... Sh*t!" and then put decided against it, is now reaching close to a 100 I am sure. The fact is, if you are ashamed or embarrassed, you will either lie or do something about it. So just don't lie and do that something. Once you have admitted you have a problem, it gets easier, as now you can be proud that you know you have a problem and are willing to do something about it and fix it.

Right, if anyone has questions, comment, opinions of any kind or just wants to moan at me, please do so below :)



  1. Ich bine echt beeindruckt von Dir. Du scheinst ja richtig nachzuforschen und so viel ueber diaet und kalorien rauszufinden wie nur geht. Machst du echt gut. Finde deinen blog und vor allem deine ehrlichkeit echt inspirierend. Mach weiter so, ich bin sicher da sind einige leute ganz schoen beeindruckt von dir. Von manchen wirst du es ein leben lang nicht wissen, aber du hast deren leben positief beeinflusst. Das ist das tolle an dieser sache. Du hilfst nicht nur dir, sondern auch anderen.Ach ja......, Mein Sohn..... (big smile) xxx

  2. Some interesting links for you dear:

    Study Suggests Junk Food is as Addictive as Cocaine -- Lu Parker reports

    Low-carb diets 'damage arteries'

    And some wisdom from my a Canadian doctor I know who has spend the last 12 years studying nutrition and helping patients lose weight:

    'It is true that if people assume a really low fat diet they loose major weight (at least in my experience).
    As compared to the usual N. American diet of 35% calories from fat, I would call a low fat diet the one which contains 10 - 15% calories from fat. It works miracles if it also based on whole grains and legumes (plus veggies, fruit; some seeds, nuts, eggs and fish; a few drops of olive oil). The above also contain hundreds of healing molecules for all sorts of body and brain healing. Anybody claiming that it does not work, he/she is not doing it; no exceptions that I have seen. The benefits (not just weight loss) are usually expressed with the word "unbelievable".

    It just makes no sense adding more fat if your body is full of it. You also know that a diet of 10 - 15% calories from fat can also be very enjoyable if prepared right. These observations of mine are based on 12 years of experience and on hundreds of patients; not on some theoretical hormonal "explanations", which are simply not accurate. '

    And a good advice on an exercising regime:

    (Source: American College of Sports Medicine)

    30 mins of moderate exercise on five days of the week

    or 20 mins of vigorous exercise on three days of the week

    (or a combination of the moderate and vigorous exercise goals)

    plus: Two weekly sessions of activity (weight training) to maintain muscle strength

    Hope this helps :)
